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The Nutraceutical industry is taking deeper roots in India as the population grows to become health-conscious and aware of the benefits of natural nutritional supplements. There is a gradual shift in consumer behavior towards conscious consumerism. In the current market, the need for the nutraceutical industry is to ensure that they are in a position of authority, credibility, and consumer trust worldwide.

The 8th edition virtual Nutrithink Conference will drive attention to current trends like R&D trends across product categories, Nutraceuticals, food for particular medical purposes, demand for dietary supplements, the importance of probiotics, fortification & immunity building.
Key Features
2 day knowledge driven conference
Keynote Address and Panel Discussions
Exhibitor Showcase
Liberty of time to chat and interact anytime during the conference
4 Themes of the Conference
Therapeutic & Dietary Nutrition: Rising necessity for immunity
Fortified & Functional Foods
Focused Healthcare & Advanced Nutraceuticals
Future of FMCG & Nutrition Industry Amidst Covid